20 years under Putin: a timeline

June 2, 2011


IMR is supporting Robin Hessman’s critically acclaimed documentary “My Perestroika,” which has been playing in cinemas for over two months. The film is now available on DVD for educational and institutional use.




"My Perestroika" has been opening in cinemas across the US and continued to play in international festivals. At the IFC Center in New York City it has been playing for two full months and is still running in San Francisco, West Newton, Mass.; Washington, San Diego, Boca Raton, Fla.; Portland, Ore.; Seattle and Spokane, Wash.


The film opened June 3 at Camera Cinemas in San Jose, Calif., as well as Movies at the Museum in Portland, Maine; with additional screenings at The Wexner Center in Columbus, Ohio; The Texas Theatre in Dallas; and the Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington, N.Y., where Robin Hessman will be in person for a Q&A session. More screenings are soon to come in Chicago, Salt Lake City, and Honolulu; Portsmouth, N.H.; Williamsburg, Va.; and many more.


"My Perestroika" is now available on DVD for educational and institutional use through the filmmaker-run co-op, New Day. It won’t be available for home use until 2012.


Also, filmmaker Robin Hessman was recently asked to write an article for the Financial Times about the making of "My Perestroika". It was the cover of the FT Weekend Arts section the weekend of May 20th, and you can read the article here.